
Submission Guidelines


  Hello and welcome! This is the place submissions will be shared for the monthly WritingMyPrompt! A prompt is shared on the first Monday of every month and the submissions will be shared on the final Friday of the month. All prompts can be interpreted in any way you see fit! Please feel free to read each piece and share your thoughts, I am sure our writers will love to hear from you.  If you would like to submit an idea or theme for a prompt please email or message me! You can submit your pieces via email: Any genre is welcome, any type of format. Be as creative as you like!  If you wish your piece to have a certain font/style please let me know! Also if you would note your name, pronouns and a social media handle or website perhaps people can look at more of your work. If you wish to submit anonymously please let us know, also in the email let us know if you are okay with your work being shared on this blog - all credit will be given! I look f...

WritingMyPrompt: September

  What's inside your head? Thank you to everyone who submitted for August's prompt! I am loving how creative people are being. I hope September's prompt inspires you. If you'd like to submit some work here is the guidelines page.

Wondering If Wonderland Will Be Safe - Meg Webb

  I feel like Alice, falling down the rabbit holes. My words echoing all around. Waiting for the fall to end. The ground to hit me.   Knowing that the girl who fell and the girl who falls are not the same. She was innocent, I am angry. She was silent, I am screaming. She had pain. I have rage. --- This piece was written by Meg Webb (She/her) Read more of her work  here.

Rage on a Page - Lauren McDonald

 Right here, right now this is my stage. To share with you all of my rage, rage fucking rage. My rage is because my body is a topic, it almost feels like it doesn't belong to me. Everyone seems to have an opinion, too fat, not pretty, she must be lazy. Fuck you, that's not the real me, but you see what you want to see. I live for me, and only me. My rage is for my period, for wanting it to stop. I don't want children, but I am told what if? I shouldn't need a reason,  I shouldn't need an excuse. Don't project your ideals onto me, for my life is happily childfree. My rage is for men's opinions on abortions, you don't have a vagina, you don't get to talk here. "But a bloke should have a say?" Why should a woman give birth if she doesn't want to, spill your sperm somewhere else, a child shouldn't be left to be a woman's burden. Just say you hate women and move along. I rage because as a lesbian I am not taking seriously, apparently...

WritingMyPrompt: August

  Thank you to everyone who submitted to July's Prompt! You guys did amazing! This month's prompt is 'Rage, Rage, Fucking Rage!' Interpret that how you will! We will be sharing submissions gradually throughout the month so please keep coming back to take a look. The deadline for your submission is the last Friday of the month! If you are unsure of how to submit here are the guidlines .

Dairy Entry of Rita Rosco - Lauren McDonald

 I look back at my life and by god, I don't know how I did it. Survived I mean. My life hasn't been easy. I was raised by spies you see, I say raised that isn't quite true. They just happened to be my parents, I was actually raised by a distant aunt that was once removed from the family. Having spies as parents wasnot as fun as it may sound. I never really saw them, maybe once a month if that, the longest I went without seeing them was 8 months. They'd send postcards but I doubt they were real. After all, spies were never supposed to give up their location. They lived and breathed for their jobs until they didn't. They died tragically on the hardest mission of their lives, as a teenager at the time they didn't tell me this just that it was an accident. I found out much later. I was their legacy and I too had become a spy, it was the law. At the age of sixteen I started my training, it was rigorous and hard. I didn't have a choice, I didn't exactly hate i...

Wisdom Lingers - Eli

 This piece was written and curated by Eli (She/her) Social Media Here .

Even Cacti Can Grow in The Desert - Meg Webb

  Go into politics, they said. That’s where you will make a change. They just forgot to mention that politics was built by old white men who were determined to keep things as they were. The many pictures of these men littered the walls of the building, although two, now three women, had managed to sneak in. Anne Clement youngest female prime minister of Britain. Only 34 and swept to victory at the polls. It always made Anne wheeze when she heard that team, swept in. She still wasn’t sure whether someone could be swept in when her parties other option for leader had a stroke and forced retirement, and then the opposition parties both had scandals that disgusted the voters. She was the only real option, and people love an underdog, a rebellion vote. Still doing your bit for the country but fighting the system. I was the underdog, the rebellion vote. Don’t vote for another rich white cis straight man. Vote for a middle-class white cis woman, who was bi. Although that last bit was ...